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Giấc Mơ Hóa Bướm
Ừ, biết trần gian đã bạc lòng
Ừ, ta về tắm ánh trăng cong
Thân hình trần tục phà hơi khói
Chiếc bóng vô thường động nước trong
Nhắm mắt chối xua ngàn ảo giác
Trầm mình gột rửa vạn tà dâm
Tỉnh lai giữa đám người di động
Hồ điệp cơn mơ chợt đứt dòng.
Chập chờn bay, bướm chập chờn bay
Ngất ngưởng say, người ngất ngưởng say
Hồ điệp phiêu du đời lãng tử
Triết nhân ngờ vực giấc mơ ngày
Bồn vang trầm vọng ru hồn lạc
Đàn gẩy tình tang vỗ dáng gầy
Quên cả lời kinh, quên tụng niệm
Sóng bồi cát lở, mỏi bàn tay.
Ánh đèn thoi thóp cạn dầu, lay
Đom đóm vu vơ chấm phá thay
Trong cổ quan tài người trá tử (*)
Trên bàn hương án khói không bay
Người: nằm mộng ngỡ thành thân ấy
Bướm: lạc hồn nghi hóa phận này? (*)
Ta: bỏ không màng công án nữa
Vang rền tiếng vỗ một bàn tay.
(*) Trang Tử giả chết và tự vấn
Người chưa diệt chữ tình
Mong gì ngộ giác
Giữa thinh không này.
Giấc mơ hoa bướm – Tranh: Hoàng Thanh Tâm 
The Butterfly’s Dream
Oh yes, escaping from an unfaithful world
I’m bathing under the crescent moonlight
The worldly body disperses warm steam
The ephemeral shadow disturbs the crystal clear water
I close my eyes, repeal thousand of illusional sensations
Submerge to cleanse myself from lechery
Suddenly I woke up among moving people
My butterfly’s dream abruptly disrupted!
Flapping, the butterfly is flapping its wings
Totally inebriated is the man
The butterfly flutters around with no pattern
The philosopher is doubtful of his day dream (*)
The deep sound of the drum lullabies the lost soul
The lute is soothing to the gaunt body
All sutras, all prayers forgotten
As sandy shores are eroded by the waves, so weary are my hands.
The flickering light of the oil lamp is about to extinguish
The fireflies twinkling and dotting aimlessly
In the casket the man feigns his death (**)
On the altar the incenses stop vaporizing
The man dreams of transforming into a butterfly (*)
While it thinks it might be that man (*)
I cease to try to resolve the Koan
So thunderous is the one-hand clapping.
Pham Doanh
(*) Zhuang Zhou dreamt that he was a butterfly, a freely fluttering butterfly, and his feeling was that he completely content, and he did not know that he was Zhou! Suddenly he awoke then there he was, self-aware as Zhuang Zhou. He did not know whether he was Zhuang Zhou who had dreamt of being a butterfly or was a butterfly who was dreaming of being Zhuang Zhou. There must be some distinction between Zhuang Zhou the man and a butterfly, and the existence of this distinction is what is behind the idea of the transformation of things.
(**) Zhuang Zhou feigned his death to test his wife’s fidelity, who wanted his heart to make medication for her lover, but unaware that the latter was also Zhuang Zhou himself in disguise.
How could I, a captive of passions, expect to attain enlightenment in this life


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